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Honduras 'Silver Hills' Coffee - Green/Unroasted

Honduras 'Silver Hills' Coffee - Green/Unroasted

Regular price $59.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.99 USD
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High-grown near the capital city of Tegucigalpa, meaning 'Silver Hill,' this gourmet coffee has come a long way since its first appearance in the US market. In earlier years, Honduran coffee was not given the attention that it receives now; however, with improved coffee standards and coffee practices, this gourmet coffee has become one of the most noteworthy coffees in Central America. Honduran coffee is grown above 4,500 feet and is classified as Strictly High-Grown beans. What this means is that the beans are more dense and flavorful than your average coffee beans.

Honduran 'Silver Hills' Coffee is mild with subtle undertones of nuts and honey, which gives it a lightly sweet taste and smooth texture. This medium-roasted gourmet coffee also features light fruity notes, a lemony zest, a hint of nuttiness, and a mild cocoa finish.
REG/DECAF: Regular
Brand: Monte Rosa Gourmet Coffee


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